How to Set Up Your Medium Account So You Can Start Writing Great Content to Get More Clients

Yes, yes, you heard it all before. Having great content is crucial for a number of reasons. Among them are you’re providing valuable insights and information to past, present and potentially future clients. You’re building a relationship with prospects before they become clients. Through your blog pieces, they can get a sense of who you are and how you can help them. Finally, with each blog post, you’re building up your SEO. This basically means more eyeballs on your site, which translates to more potential customers.
You know it’s important. Why haven’t you started yet? While I am not in your head, and I am sure you have many valid reasons, I suspect a major one is not knowing how to get started. Should you have a blog on your website? How do you set that up? Should you use an online publishing platform instead? Which one? How do you set it up? It’s no wonder people get overwhelmed and never get around to doing it.
Judging by my title, it shouldn’t be shocking that I recommend Medium. Here are a few reasons why. It’s super simple to set up an account and very user friendly. Articles look great. It’s easy to connect your posts with your Facebook or Twitter audiences, and there is a potential to reach additional audiences. Finally, you can track views and engagement with your article, which will give you valuable information about what type of audience your article is attracting and what they are interested in knowing more about.
Without further adieu, let’s get you started.
Go to and on the top far right, click on the black “Get Started” button.

You will be given the option to sign in through Google, Facebook, or your own personal email. Choose whichever you prefer. Using Google and Facebook will create your account right away. Using your personal email will require the additional step of having to verify your email.

Once you’re signed in, you can customize your profile. Again this is very simple. Click on your icon (the circle on the top right). From the drop down menu, click on settings. This should bring you to the “Profile” page.

Check that your name is okay. If you want to make adjustments, next to Name, click on edit, and adjust accordingly. Once done, click on Save.

Underneath Name is Bio. Don’t let that intimidate you. Medium bios are capped at 160 characters, which translates into roughly two sentences. Say what you do, who you help and how. Then add a link to your website. Eg: Hey, I’m a licensed counsellor; love to help people struggling with anxiety develop the tools to calm their minds and thrive. <insert website>Click on edit to write up your bio. Once done, click on save.

Next to Photo, click on edit. Then click on the circle with the camera. Choose a picture to upload and click on save.

Under Design, if you click on Design your Profile, you will be taken to another page where you can customize your profile (pick color, fonts, ect). If you want to make your profile look more unique, you can go ahead and do it. Is it necessary? Not really.
Scroll down to Connections. This is where you can link your Facebook, Twitter and Google accounts. Simply click on the “Connect to Facebook/Twitter/ Google” buttons.

You can the review and based on your preference, adjust the other settings on the Profile Page.
Congratulations! Your Medium Account is now set up and you’re ready to start blogging. To write your first article, click on your icon (circle with your picture on the top right), from the drop-down menu, click on “Write a story” and go for it!

Add your title. Below it, add a picture by clicking on the + and then clicking on the camera.

Below that, you can write your article. Once you’re ready to publish, click on the “Publish” button on the top right. If you’re not ready to, no worries. Medium automatically saves your article, and you can continue working on your article at any time by clicking on your icon, clicking on “Stories” and then choosing your draft.
Go ahead. Get that great content out and reach those people who need your expertise!
By: Angela Di Paola, MSW
A little bit about me. I have a background in Social Work and am currently the Director of Member Development at DownTime. DownTime has built a virtual community for mental health providers to help create new relationships, grow and have fun together. Additionally, we work closely with our members, supporting their professional goals through marketing automation.
Check us out at